Look at these definitely medical supplies that look like they weigh as much as a box of air, labelled in English, being passed supposedly from Hebrew speakers to Arabic speakers, definitely not posturing for the western world. Oh, and they paid twitter to promote it. Definitely not propaganda though. Definitely not.
That will be the hospital with a maze of tunnels and the HAMAS HQ underneath it along with arms storage etc. That was the reason Israel gave for bombing a hospital Any sign of said maze of tunnels -surely if it was there they would be showing video and pictures of it
They've shown one dodgy looking 'tunnel' from above ground only (looked more like a hole in the ground to me) and said that it was booby trapped. They've allegedly found a handful of weapons inside one of the hospitals, which may or may not have been put there for effect. An English doctor working in the hospital has said it's all nonsense, he's never one seen any Hamas troops in there and certainly none in the basement. They've not captured any Hamas fighters from inside there either. But we do know that most of the hospitals are simply housing for displaced Palestinians, as there's no fuel or medical supplies to run the buildings and treat patients. There is however a mass grave, dug by hospital staff to bury people and babies who died there. It's horrific. As Nietzche said, "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
The military analyst David Clark,( is that his name) on sky news said, there is definitely tunnels that will be found because the Israelies built them, he didn't elaborate why or when.
Both side are using propaganda happens in ever war it’s nothing new but Hamas attacked first so they only have themself to blame.
Hamas do only have themselves to blame and I don't think you'd find anyone who would disagree. The citizens of Gaza on the other hand...
Israel executed 6 Palestinians in camps in September and killed over 200 Palestinians in the first 9 months of the year. Palestine killed 30 Israelis in that period. Did Hamas attack first? Or retaliate? (Not supporting them and what they did was horrendous, but pointing out that the conflict has been one-sided for years. Only so many times you can prod somebody before they lash out).
Please do some reading on the subject before posting overly-simplistic stuff mate. There's a big picture here and a historical context which makes comments like that inadequate. If you're that bothered, read up about historical Palestine, Zionism from the 19th century, the Balfour declaration, the nakba, the 48/67/73 wars, the Israeli laws relating to Palestinian self-determination and the blockade of Gaza in more recent times. If you still think Hamas started it fair enough.
What ever way you spin it this time Hamas is at fault. They are better means to get what you want rather than killing innocent civilians.
I'm not spinning owt. I just thought you were being a bit lazy. I agree that this recent horror was sparked by Hamas atrocities. Absolutely. But as I said there's a big context here which is often, and in my view, deliberately overlooked, particularly by western governments.
And yet you continue to ignore that Israel have been killing innocent civilians for decades. If you pretend it was a neutral slate at the start of the 7th October maybe you’d have a point that Hamas started it, but even then it would be far from a certainty.
I have always said that they are Both as bad as each other. Like I said previously the leaders of each country are at fault for the killings of innocent civilians.
Wasting your time lads. If he can't figure out that covid was real he ain't going to understand Middle Eastern history.
covid was real I’ve never said it wasn’t. Do I think they used Covid as a cover for something more sinister then you would be right.
I can't believe that not a single world leader as asked the question to Netinyahu " how the hell did you allow the 7th October to happen?"' this is the most tightly guarded border on earth' satellite survielance' all the latest hi tec equipment available ' a mouse crossing the border would be flagged up' yet hundreds of terrorists Had over 8 hours to carry out these atrocities without encountering a single Israeli soldier' tank or aircraft. REALLY?
Are you aware that over 3500 Palestinian children are now dead by the hands of the Israeli government?