It’s not the 2nd time in a century a club has been thrown out of the FA Cup it’s the 2nd time this century that a league club has been thrown out. Now, I’m not arguing about the charge, the conduct of the board or the incident itself (while I feel people are being a little reactionary about a mistake, it’s realistically not a mistake professionals that work in football should be making.) I’m arguing about certain elements of the fan base to almost take pleasure in the poor way we are run. In the actively goading other fan bases to mock the club. From inward perspective the fans and the board are largely at odds. People who follow the club know that. To outsiders it’s not a criticism of the board it becomes a criticism of all of us. People sit on here encouraging Wednesday fans and others to take the piss out of us isn’t constructive to anything at all is it.
Different board and different situation entirely. Clerical errors, lack of due diligence and downright failure to pay attention to small details, isn’t the same as Financial mismanagement and asset stripping.
You could try maybe reading what I’ve replied to that post or maybe even replying to me if you want to be smart about it.
The difference between us and Sheff Weds and other clubs for that matter is that, We have been duly punished and appropriate justice is implemented for our Error/misdemeanour/****-up, delete or leave as appropriate
Chesterfield replayed their original tie so not kicked out , Droyledon we’re kicked out but not obviously a league club , Bury and us are the only league clubs to be expelled in over 120yrs
How can ANY Reds fan want wendies fans belittling us over this is truly beyond me. I hate them with a passion but don't go on their forum slagging em off or laughing when they lose or something else go's wrong,i couldn't care less what they are up to.
It’s a forum where people talk about things. I disagreed with Barnsley fans apparently enjoying other clubs mocking us. This is has been misconstrued as me supporting the board. It’s called having a conversation and yes people can still have a conversation when they are upset. Imagine telling someone to not discuss things on a board designed for discussing things.
I couldn't agree more...we NEED to discuss all matters relating to our club and this forum provides any excellent platform to do that. I also appreciate other members will have different views. Having only two clubs in 120 years to be expelled from the cup is some statement to put on your CV. If other clubs wish to have a go....then so be it.....we are! I'm as angry as I am embarrassed
Of course we are. We should be it’s a disgrace. While I can sympathise with an individual error on one persons part, the fact that it’s been not been picked up and no one has done due diligence around something like this is ridiculous. I fully agree. But why are we encouraging other fanbases to mock us further. We can do it because it’s our club and we care about it but there’s this weird idea that outside criticism comes from the same place as our criticism. It doesn’t. Ours come from a place of pride in our club and wanting it to be run properly, Wednesday fans are mocking us because it’s amusing to them and they want us to fail. Why would you want to encourage that towards something you care about? It’s not the criticism I have a problem with it’s this small club attitude that we deserve to be embarrassed of our club when it’s the inept muppets in charge that are the problem.