Anyone else feel a massive disconnection with the club as fans? Love the football team but hate the club as a whole. It’s becoming toxic. When you look at the past 2 years there’s a big long list of total fück ups. 1. From losing a CEO, Manager and captain in 2021 after a playoff run in the championship with no plan in place from a club that tells us they are prepared for any eventuality. 2. Appointing Marcus Schopp and Poya Ashbagi. Schopp on a 3 year deal. 3. Signing Oulare and Iseka as top earners on long term deals. Oulare clear as day even by using google suggests he’s a lazy twät. 4. Closure of the West Stand. 5. The “Hex” sponsorship debacle. 6. The hassle of getting Conway out with Board takeover by Neerav, Jean and JAQ. 7. The EFL investigation that is yet to come. 8. The shirts not being available for sale until October was it? 9. Another CEO leaving us 10. Chucked out of the FA Cup. The communication is pi55 poor and I’m beginning to feel a massive disconnection with the board and staff members above the playing side. It’s becoming shambolic. It’s never been great but the last 2 years have seen us have all of the above to deal with. I’ll buy a season ticket every season as I do love the football team. The club tho have a lot to answer for and sort out if they want to get us back on side.
I'd rather pull my eyes out than watch the football we play. Then you read the news coming out of our channels and it's even more $hite. They take us fans for fools. Maybe we are, looking at the stuff we've put up with over the years. Loyalty goes both ways, we've put up with awful decisions made over the years and the fans have ended on the $hit end of the stick each time.
Havent felt connected to the club since Stendel. As soon as he was sacked i refused to go to a home match until this lot, and all associated, walked.
I don't post much these days, because I stopped going early in the 21/22 season and haven't been to a game since. I got a bit of "not a proper fan" stuff, understandably I suppose. I can't therefore comment on football issues, apart from the odd "GTFI!!" when we score. My reasons were roughly the same as your list, and in addition the club appearing to regard winning football matches as less important than selling players for profit. The last straw was the west stand closure. But this is a new level. We've outchansiried all other clubs with this one. A deafening klaxon on the bunglemeter. At least it confirms my decision. I can't imagine what could happen to make me go again.
It's a fair list of issues you provide, but this one doesn't belong on it as a negative. Without this one, we'd probably be in administration by now, as you can see evidenced by the amount of equity they've put into the club subsequent to taking over. Many of the issues listed can be attributed to decisions by Conway and/or the current CEO. I'd add a few more to it, such as the handling of car parking around Oakwell, and I do feel an element of disconnection currently as a result of them. However, item 6 was the intervention that retained me as a season ticket holder after the shambles of the Schopp/Asbhagi season, when I'd resolved to give up after almost 30 years, so I can't claim that it's currently the most disconnected I've felt. The sooner we can resolve the 'limbo' of having a CEO who's known to be leaving, and who doesn't appear (to me, at least) to be fulfilling the role he's currently appointed to, the better. I'd also suggest that the incoming person needs to be on a permanent contract, not a fixed term one, which the club has chosen to use on the previous two appointments. The FA Cup ejection is just one of several recent issues that's highlighted why many of us have genuine concerns about the day to day running of the club. I'm far less concerned about the motivations of the shareholders, which is a big improvement on a couple of years ago.
Maybe point 6 came across wrong. The reason I added the takeover wasn’t listed as a negative. Just a big obstacle that we’ve had to deal with. I’ve since edited my post to reflect that.
A lot of people have called the situation tin pot. I think that's greatly offensive and tinpots deserve more respect than being linked to the latest BFC shower.
"The FA Cup ejection is just one of several recent issues that's highlighted why many of us have genuine concerns about the day to day running of the club. I'm far less concerned about the motivations of the shareholders, which is a big improvement on a couple of years ago". My thoughts too.
I'm still 100 per cent behind the club. There has been some poor decision making by primarily Conway, but also Khaled too, which has set us back massively. The stakeholders, who I think have the best interests of the club in their hearts & wallets need to act now.
I think the people who have invested in the club deserve better from their employees as we do as fans.
I understand everyone’s stance, 100%. But I’ll still be there. Maybe I’m part of the problem for some, I’m not really arsed, maybe I’m a bad fan for just going and dealing with it, once again, I’m not really arsed.
The squad last year had character and you felt part of it, this one reminds me of a faberge egg. Looks decent on the outside but empty on the inside.
I don't think you're part of the problem at all, your support is commendable, and I know loads like you. I felt like you for 55 years BC.
I wonder how long it'll be before we're all looking back at the Schopp / Asbaghi season as "halcyon days"?
Boardroom ballocks, administrative angst and pedestrian performances look like they are going to make this season a write off. But as ever, if results come on the pitch a lot of things will be forgiven. Still in the playoffs remember.