I've read the lot and while most are fair there's plenty of bile,one wendies fan said we haven't got over losing at Wembley to them yet.
You do keep getting saddos on there as well, who post under 2 or 3 different names, now who does something like that ehh!. And you keep getting the few Wigan fans also, who just won't forget and let it go.
Pretty stupid rule. You wouldn't have it for a league game (player out on loan when playing a club, being unable to play the return fixture when back from the loan spell), so I don't know why that's a 'thing' in the cup. That said it was still dumb, those involved should have known and that person or those people have cost the club cash.
**** happens. Don't players have some responsibility in this? "Er, Gaffer, have already appeared in cup for York."
He hadn't already appeared in the cup for york and I wouldn't expect an inexperienced young lad to know the rules regarding when a transfer has to happen to give eligibility for a game. I'd expect the multi million pound business of a professional football club to know that
From what I can gather, the eligibility rules are quite finicky and bureaucratic, which is why, one would hope, all professional football clubs employ someone very knowledgeable in the field to deal with such matters. I'd guess the majority of professional footballers will have a good idea of the general rules, but would still defer to the expert for the final decision. In the same way that I'm working on a large compliance project for a bank at the minute, I have a good idea as to what I can and can't write in the documentation, but I'll still take the word of a lawyer as final on what I should do in certain circumstances.
Some very positive comments about the club's handling and our fans. This one made me chuckle though Horsham now only 5 admin mistakes from Wembley!
It's not that stupid-It stops clubs eg signing Messi and Kane to make sure they get through the replay. A harsh rule in this case but fair-Horsham could have waived going through but I don't blame them