I'd forgotten about that one. Will Hondermarck, suspended but naked in lineup till it was pointed out to them. I'm glad that we put procedures in place to stop it happening again 13 months later... I was actually thinking of another one from a few years ago. Can't think which player it is but ive got a feeling he was black. I know that's very very vague but it's all I remember
I've not been posting on here for a while but it's good to see @SuperTyke's predictive text is still on the fritz. Some things never change.
If we'd fielded an inelligible Paul Gibbs I reckon our opponents would have been wise to let it slide!
Mind you, to be honest i had never heard of this rule. I knew if we had let Marsh play for York in fa cup he couldn't play for us in that competition in the same season, but this is new to me. Yes he was on loan to york but officially still a Barnsley player and we called him back due to player shortage because of internationals and injuries. If we had been allowed to postpone the replay it wouldn't have happened. When it comes to Barnsley the fa and efl always move the goalposts. On saying all this the idiot at Oakwell that attends to this kind of thing should have known about the rule and approached th fa for some emergency leniency