Proper Fascist is Wilders but he won’t be Primeminster got 25% of seats , other parties will keep him out
Between Harry Enfield in Holland and Bernard Manning in Argentina, its a proper 80s revival going on around the world...
That's democracy I'm afraid and in years to come the same rule will apply here too. Don't worry sharia law will sort them out.
Clear winner too,must be some strange goings on ,on the streets of Holland to want someone like that in charge of country
It's wild that people will stick fingers in their ears and just say "fascist!" without addressing the concerns which have got him 25%, and highest share of the vote - I guess everyone voting for him is just a "fascist" as well and there's nothing more to discuss. I guess when you have so many people who hate your culture being allowed to actively undermine it and the values it was built on, eventually people will say 'enough'. And if you don't believe that people's concerns are valid, just keep ignoring it, and maybe he, and people like him, might just magically go away.
Interesting point, but it is much easier to create a divide and conquer strategy and prise away the votes of those who perceive themselves to be marginalised than it is to unite a majority.
Which culture exactly? You are posting on an electronic device (Likely designed in America/Asia and built in Asia) on the Internet (designed America, backbone Asian/American) using a web protocol (designed by an Englishman working in Switzerland). This week you'll probably eat Fish and Chips (imported by Jewish immigrants), Curry (South Asian), Pizza (Italian) and/or Chinese and watch TV Shows (many American) while enjoying a pint (various countries), a glass of wine (various) or maybe a soft drink (American). You might even go to church on a weekend (Middle Eastern) or watch the football (how many full internationals in the squad?). British culture is 2000+ years of imports and stolen ideas. *You* might not like some of the ideas that are being imported at the moment, but that won't stop it. If something is a good idea, it'll get popular. If it isn't, it'll be dropped quicker than your Lazerdisk collection and Betamax player.
We were talking about language earlier and I pointed out that English is such a difficult one to learn because it comes from Anglo-Saxon (indiginous Angles and Saxon immigrants), Latin (Roman occupation), Norse (Norse invaders) and French (Norman conquest)....
We're off to Argentina in January. It will certainly be interesting to see what the chainsaw kid is up to by that time!
- with apologies for banging on about Cymru! (again) -- You need to brush up on your Cymraeg. 5000 + (and increasing) Welsh speakers in Patagonia (S. Argentina.) -- descendants of Welsh speakers who went there in the 1860's to preserve the language and culture from the 'invaders' form across Offa's Dyke who came to work in the Welsh coalfields. COYR !
I would but they're down south I think mate. We're doing Buenos Aires and Iguazu Falls so Spanish and Italian if anything. I would like to do the south in a couple of years though.
Yes it’s lowest common denominator politics and panders to base instincts, but it doesn’t mean people’s concerns aren’t real.
This idea that there’s no British/english culture is just post-modern cultural Marxism. And the idea that the “market place” of ideas will define what is good and bad for our culture is naive. Culture can be imposed - Cromwell banned Christmas, dancing, etc. that wasn’t popular but he did it anyway. The Protestant reformation was imposed at the end of a pike on your average English church goer, who had no issue with how they’d been worshiping for hundreds of years. And as you say yourself, before that there was no church, people probably worshipped nature.
yes, Patagonia at the 'bottom' of Argentina - looks to be a stunning place. Argentina mainly Spanish but large Italian migration there over the years - (my 'Italian' sister-in-law brought up in Milan was born in Argentina.) Enjoy!