If anybody hasn't seen it I suggest watching 'Waterloo' c.1969/1970. Rod Steiger/Christopher Plummer. The battle scenes - no cgi - are superb.
Got to agree that was a good film and they did use a bit of CGI in the recent film, but still excellent film.
Ooopppps I meant the I enjoyed the film more than the wife did, 46 years and she's still here I must be doing something right.
For anyone who's seen Napoleon, is it suitable for a 13 year old? I've read that the 15 rating is for gore rather than anything sexual, but in any case I'd like the opinion of someone who's seen it before buying tickets.
Well the sex scenes are he takes from behind twice, and the gore isn't to bad but that's why it's set at 15 for a reason .
Thanks for that mate, I didn't realise there were any sex scenes. In that case I'll probably err on the side of caution and go and see it myself first. Some of the film classifications seem pretty random to me so I use my judgement, but that does sound a bit unsuitable.
I was really looking forward to this one. With Ridley and Phoenix both on board it should have been ace. I wanted it to be better. The criticism of it being English biased is puerile, they turn up twice, once getting beaten at the start and once at Waterloo when you can hardly pretend it didn’t happen and even then, the importance of the Prussian appearance on the field was laid on thick. The Waterloo stuff was paint by numbers, poor. I even think there was an attempt to copy Sharpe’s Sharp shooting within it, when I’m pretty sure that Sharpe did it better even! Elsewhere, the placing of his family and mates on the thrones of Europe was largely brushed over and it really felt like a whistle stop tour of dates and events which often weren’t dwelt on and somewhat random stats being used on screen at odd times. Probably says more about me, but when the Prussians turned up from the wrong side of the battlefield after a complete ignoring of the rear slope face held by the majority of the British squares, it ended any hope from me for the film being a 4 or 5 star one. Mind, it will probably still win Oscar’s because of who made it and started in it.
I'd give it a 3/5 at a push, I thought the way his character was portrayed was nothing like the person I think he was - just seemed a bit weak and awkward, especially around women, in the film. Think he sh*gged half of the worlds available women in reality, he was a genius, caring and loyal but a massive narcissist, with a ruthless tyrannical streak, I just think they made him seem like a bit of a fanny. I don't mind the artistic license for the story - he definitely didn't lead cavalry charges!! But ultimately its a let down for me.