What a great job she did as stand in for Simon Thomas on Saturday. Female presenters have taken some stick in recent months (in some cases rightly so), but I thought she was a natural.
Was thinking this at the time, better than Simon Thomas for me, shame about the pundits, Sherwood & co.
Agreed - she was really. The right amount of "banter" too. Although I don't think Simon Thomas was that bad. Whoever follows Stelling is towing anyway - like when Moyes followed Ferguson.
She's a woman who has no concept of the mans game. There are subtleties she can't grasp. She should stick to doing women's stuff like cooking and childminding. Make me a sandwich. Not my thoughts but there are some neanderthal people who think like that. If she's good she's good. If she's crap she's crap. Gender is irrelevant.
I was impressed-it can't be easy with a continuous stream of information coming in your earpiece and trying to interact with the pundits. Jeff had been doing it for years