Got home from work a bit late. Husband gone to the match. He’d made me chicken, mash, gravy etc. Ahhh, that’s nice I thought. Thoughtful. 10 minutes after eating it, I get a text message, saying. “Chicken needs 10 more minutes”!!! Who on this earth part- cooks chicken?!
My mrs was considerate when wi were coortin. Mate and his bird were invited rarned fo dinner. She cooked it and then considerately weshed it. Well she accidently dropped it int washing up bowl. Full of weshin up watter. Shame not to waste it.
I'm guessing he had to turn it off before leaving. Otherwise burnt and dry depending on when you got in. Good effort though. Shame about not leaving a note lol
Gior blaming him. A good woman would have got one of them there temperature spike thingermijigs. And tested it fust.. Ar lass once tried to poison mi. Wi some homemade fishcakes she cooked that I reckon had bin int freezer since god was a lad. (She had summat else) I was in absolute agony. good job I threw up (Regan style) . Else I'd have missed match. Wendy at home. We won if I remember right. Night match.
I mean, its mental, but how do you manage to get through a whole meal without realising the chicken is underdone? Was it not, you know, pink and chewy inside?
He’s in his No, it was fine. That’s what I’m basing my hopes on now. Looked and tasted ok. Guessing he may just have wanted to f’ck up my evening. He’s the one locked out mind you…. Hehe