Another one gone. I suppose he wasn’t a fella destined for old age; but he will live on in his work, especially this time of year we are approaching.
I saw an interview with him a couple of weeks ago, and he basically said he wouldn't see the new year. Been poorly for quite some time I think. Rip Shane.
Actually he was not long after getting a new set of Cowdenbeath. Bit of a stupid bit of rhyming slang there by myself as very few people in Cowdenbeath have any teeth.
We were saying on our weekend walk that he doesn't look long for this world. Some guy though .......... once read his story and I think he crammed more into two weeks than I have crammed into a lifetime. RIP fella
"Now Jimmy didn't like his place in this world of ours Where the elephant man broke strong men's necks When he'd had too many Powers So sad to see the grieving of the people that I'm leaving And he took the road for God knows in the morning We walked him to the station in the rain We kissed him as we put him on the train And we sang him a song of times long gone Though we knew that we'd be seeing him again" - "Sally MacLennane" As others have already said, he will be immortalized through "Fairytale of New York" but he wrote plenty of other great songs in the 80s and early 90s.
Looked awful in a recent photo - sad loss. Just seen Dean Sullivan who played Jimmy Corkhill has sadly passed away too.
Listen to this & don't cry. It is impossible. PS There is no reference to Mick, LOL. For me this one of the great songs of all tome. Dylan, or Strummer would have been proud to put their name to it.
Dead cert for Christmas number 1 now if Fairytale Of New York wasn't already. For one last joke you better believe if I was him I would have made sure my loved ones made sure the news of my death came in at ten to one.