Not the most pressing question in the world, but one I'd be interested in hearing the answer to: Why did the club choose to rebrand Barnsley FC Ladies as Barnsley FC Women?
What games does Collins watch cos with is interviews certainly can't be watching same as fans derby away comes to mind wycimbe at home was awful to name just 2 been many more
Over the last ten months the Directors have made equity injections of £10.2m. How long are the board willing to continue to fund the club whilst annual losses (excluding player sales) run at over £4m pa? Do the board have a long term goal and would they be willing to share that with the fans?
The FA cup fiasco 1) Even though the club had no option but to admit the charge did they request a personal hearing (and if not why not) or simply send a letter in. 2) in any event did the club make reference to 2 recent precedents involving Bradford city and also chesterfield fc where they were granted replays for similar breaches of playing ineligible players. It is no coincidence that both those teams requested personal hearings and showed courtesy and respect to the FA and by doing so it worked in their favour. 3 )Did the club take professional specialist advice to assist them with this matter
Also Another question is.... Why wasn't the FA software system checked to confirm whether the player was eligible or not.
As @Archerfield posted in another comment, the board have injected millions into the club just to keep us solvent. Just because we sold a lot of players, it doesn't mean we're loaded.
Yeah but unfortunately, their aim seems to be merely surviving. I know they keep plugging the gaps financially to keep us going (and allegedly clear of administration). But I'll never forget how they verbally sh*at all over our Play off season like they did, saying it didn't bring any success with player sales. Is that really their sole 'ambition' ?.
Wish I could play with Debra Winger. And Jenny Agutter. And Katharine Ross. And Anne Bancroft. All at once.
Postponement of our home matches during international breaks has been a huge issue over the last year, especially for long standing season ticket holders based many miles from Oakwell. Do you recognise this is a problem & would you support a rule change for the greater good? I.e. no fixtures postponed at Div 1 level during international breaks from next season (even though we'll be in the Championship, it'd be doing the right thing).
There is, over time, growing disillusionment amongst the fan base that the club is in decline for several reasons (give a couple if you like). What are the board going to do to re-inspire Barnsley people, give them hope and encourage those who are not engaging regularly to start attending again?
Why do we prioritise relatively small gains on player transfers - taken as an aggregate - when this is dwarfed by the TV rights revenue gained by being a Championship club? It’s not like we haven’t been in touching distance of the latter before where an old head - of little or no resale value - would have got us over the line.
Barnsley FC Ladies and Barnsley Women FC were and are two different clubs. BFC took over Barnsley FC Ladies' first team and started calling them Barnsley FC Women, making it even harder for the casual observer to distinguish. That's my question - why?