After calling for a ‘pause’ & not a ceasefire many Labour MP’s are now ‘appalled’ by the resumption of attacks on Gaza suggesting that they don’t understand what the word pause means.
They all pi** in the same pot. All owned by the same financiers. Can't slip a *** paper between any of them. Nothing but the illusion of change or choice. Edit - apparently f.a.g is swearing? Anyway, cigarette paper ha!
Bear in mind the fact that we were given a choice in 2019 between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn, which is about as low as it gets.
Well there's been some spectacularly woeful self-inflicted footballing mishaps and own goals this week - this might be the best/worst yet.
Absolute disgrace. I'm well aware voting Labour is the best chance we have of getting this tory government out. But my conscience is having a hard time contemplating voting for that rat.
Dear kier. STFU for christ sake. If anything you can say to bugger it up for labour you've just about done it
And to go off on a Andy Burnham Labour's Brian Clough......the best man that never was.....what could have been.
This is why we need electoral reform, I have no real choice but to vote for the Labour candidate in my constuency. Any other vote would be worthless and help the useless sitting Tory retain her seat. God help us.
I’ve tried to understand his ‘playing the game’ to gain power and I’ve condoned, even excused him at times. But there is a line. He’s an intelligent guy, he knew what saying something like this would do. Absolutely baffling, it really is.
"I sit on a man's back choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible… except by getting off his back." - Tolstoy
I don't care what Starmer says between here and the next election. Whatever it takes to get as many votes to get shut of the Tories. I'll then judge Labour on what they actually do when in power. I will feel cheated if deluded far leftists undermine an alternative to one of the most heinous governments we've had in modern history and allow the Tories in through the back door. Again.
Dunno why everyone is surprised by this. He’s said and done nothing to inspire me since he was made leader on pledges he’s since binned. “Ahhh, it’s a trick. He’ll move left once in government.” I’ve a unicorn for sale.
What Starmer says is important, whether it's his comments about Thatcher, his support for blockading supplies to Gaza, his financial 'rules', his lies, his unwillingness to scrap the two child benefit cap etc etc.... Its not far leftist to be concerned about all these things and it is plausible to assume that the worst Tory Government in living memory could actually be replicated by a 'Labour' government offering more of the same Tory policies. more austerity and no vision at all about what is going to happen to public services and the NHS except for vague comments about growth. So, it is important to care about what Starmer says. It gives us an insight into what his Government will be like. Crap.
Some of you want to calm yer sens darn a bit, the guy is obviously looking to allay floating Tory types and pick up as many extra votes as he can, the expression 'don't bite your noses off to spite your face' springs to mind! Loads were also raving about Corbyn and that worked out well didn't it?? Play it smart or risk the same old for another term of this *****