Yep, I heard he wants to go to the staff Xmas fancy dress ball before he officially leaves. Chance to wear his Invisible Man costume.
Nicely timed. At least it gives them another meeting where they can blame the previous guy for all the errors. That does seem to be the way all previous meetings have gone anyway
I might be getting mixed up, but are you suggesting he'll be there tonight? If you are I think you're mistaken. Or I am, wouldn't be the first time.
I'd be happy with both these "interim" appointments being made permanent. A finance man who knows the club being CEO and Bobby who knows the culture of the footballing style we should be playing along with the work ethic and desire required in a leading football role.
These are the articles published on the club website regarding this evening: No mention of Khaled. We haven't heard a breath from him in months. The club have just announced he's basically gone. Very surprised you think he's going to be there.
Why? What has she done, apart from putting her hand in her purse to keep us afloat (along with others).
I don't think Gally's like that at all. I think he's a lovely fella. I just think he happens to be mistaken, but if it turns out he's correct, I don't think it's because he's getting to know things and deliberately keeping them from others.
The statement released also only mentions the board members so can’t see him being there & there is absolutely nothing to gain in him being there