I think the amount of money these people are actually putting into the club is lost on some of the more let’s say intellectually challenged fans
Listening to some of the questions its no wonder every time theres a big game at Oakwell the main topic is flat caps and whippets.
Several questions were so repetitive, it became tiresome. And one questioner with a lack of manners said, "This is for Collins."
It's a fans forum, not an intelligent fans forum. At the end of the day, those fans made the effort to turn up. I'm sure the panel realise how diverse the fan base is and will realise not all fans think or react in the same way.
I think we also need to provide guidance on the questions, e.g. the question must be shorter than the Gettysburg Address, or an abridged version of War & Peace.
I met Chris Eubank once. He shook my hand. Had to prize my fingers apart after. He could have crushed my head like a grape.