Wonder who they'll line up next to ensure that kid's murals are removed from the immigration processing centres.
I suppose Disney characters have an appeal to grown ups too, to be fair, but I'm not sure they were the target audience.
Another right wing nut job. Government gets defeated in court because they are breaking the law so instead of complying they change the law. And this still isn’t far enough for sone of them… I really didn’t think they could get any worse
I can't get my head round the fact that neither he nor Braverman, despite being well-educated seemingly have no regard for the UK's international reputation. Breaching treaties and contravening principles of international law will reduce us to a pariah state, and surely make other Western countries wary in their dealings with us.
Never forget that Braverman was given the role of Attorney General by Bozo, which she disgraced just as much as she did the one of Home Secretary. From AG to "let's scrap human rights" is quite the journey within the space of a single Parliament.
They genuinely seem to be trying to create the most insane **** show ever for the next government to clean up.
I guess populists that pray on nationalism don’t actually have much national pride. The deliberate inflation of wedge issues is incredibly concerning. These people should be on the lunatic fringe of politics not near to the levers of power. we have our differences on Starmer but we absolutely need these people gone and they need to stay gone. I was with some of our French JV partners today and they just think we’ve lost our minds.
Rwanda are now threatening to scrap the deal if it breaks international law in any way. This is where we've got to as a country - the Rwandan government providing the checks & balances on our own government's behaviour. Fu¢k me.....
Although Rwanda is nominally democratic, elections are manipulated in various ways, which include banning opposition parties, arresting or assassinating critics, and electoral fraud..........but they have got some standards
It's going to be interesting to see how the Tory psychodrama plays out. Braverman and Jenrick haven't chucked out (or got themselves chucked out) to sit quietly on the sidelines. She is too Machiavellian* and he is too self-worshipping to go quietly. "There may be trouble ahead.....!" *For younger readers, Machiavelli was who Keith Hill believed he had playing at left back for us.
I'm surprised given that she was sacked (twice) that she was allowed a resignation speech yesterday, but if I were Sunak I'd be removing the whip from her. Can't lead a rebellion if you are no longer in the party.