Eustace must be sat at home laughing his head off at how Rooney has undone all his fantastic work in the space of around 5 weeks lol
I'm staying in a pub/hotel in Buxton tonight ahead of a wedding tomorrow. I spoke to a Birmingham fan in the bar before kick off, and he reckoned that they haven't changed much under Rooney, and that they were in a false position under Eustace, masked by a few good results early in the season which they maybe didn't deserve. Reasonably similar to us I guess. I'd say we're probably not the 7th best team in league 1 at the minute, and that's coming from me, an eternal optimist.
Will never ever understand some of the flak Collins got. Really good keeper, brilliant sweeper keeper. Very underrated by large swathes of our fan base imo.
I think the Sky Blues are unbeaten since Robins put Collins in goal and Thomas/Kitching in the middle of their defence. Who knew that these three were good?
I think you realise that your opinion of Collins is apparently shared by only a very small minority of Reds fans.
Hes better than Isted without question imo. He did so much more to prevent a shot being taken which doesn't get anywhere near enough praise. Hard to say about Roberts, though on the bit we've seen id say it was a fair assessment mate, I think his reflexes are certainly better, he's made some unbelievable saves and I hope he's here for remainder of season
Only on here. So be it. The overwhelming majority I attend games with. have the same opinion as me. Which are many, home and away ( 2 different factions) Are they all wrong as well. ? An opinion is just that. Not fact. As in anyone expressing a view including both of us. It doesn't matter about anyone else. Even those I've mentioned. We differ that's all.