Some ridge tiles blown off last night. (by chance car was garaged so no damage to old banger!) Any roofers out there or can anyone recommend a good roofer. (I live in Gawber.) Thanks.
It reminds me of another one of Gary Delaney's stories... He said he was a roofer once and he nearly got the sack, because his boss caught him w*king on the job, on a hot summers day. But at least he was understanding about it, and said he'd give him another chance. In fact, he actually said he could wipe the slate clean!!.
Made a claim to Insurance Co re. wind damage to roof. Evidently wind speed at the time of any 'storm' damage has to be in excess of 55mph. As the highest recorded wind speed was 54 mph on the night of the damage (nearest wind recording station was at Bingley !! of all places.) it took a bit of to-ing anf fro-ing before my claim could be considered. Then there was a discussion about whether or not the damage was due to wear and tear. In the meantime I had a couple of quotes - seems scaffolding is mandatory before any roof work is undertaken - that bangs up the cost a tad! Finally agreement reached and things can progress.
I can't remember the insurance company now, but we got some storm damage about 25 years when we lived in the town centre. Insurance company took weeks to get someone out, he climbed his ladder took one look and walked off. It took another fortnight for the insurance company to tell us it was "wear and tear". Got someone out to fix it the next day. Bloody useless idiots.
Can’t imagine any roofer fancying work in the next couple of days. There’s a hint of a gentle breeze around…