And if so, what are these modern football boots like? To me they look more like slippers than boots, are they really soft on top of the foot?
Adidas for me. Hate any of those blade studs. Some of the boots on offer are so flimsy they offer no protection. The sock ones go saggy - always go for proper laces. And a word of caution. Whenever my daughter has bought Nike boots, once wet they stink - like cat pee! I mean really bad - have to keep the boots outside bad. The guy in the shop i spoke to says they have had loads of complaints about Nike boots - it’s something to do with the glue they use.
I don't think I'll be purchasing any boots at 63 years old, but I do like a slipper. I just see the boots on telly and as you say the protection they offer is minimal.
Possibly the most reassuring post I’ve ever read. I can now tell my wife it’s not just me who’s boots smell terrible!!
Yes, really soft. I've got a pair with no laces and blades, first boots I've bought for over 20 years when l packed in playing. They take some getting used to, it's like shooting in bare feet.
That's not just Nike boots. Every pair I've bought my daughter smell like cat piss after about 2 months
Adidas World Cup for me. Then Copa Mundial’s. My old man was a stickler for Adidas and I guess I’m the same.
I play in Pantofola boots, they're proper old school thick leather, Italian boots. They'll probably last about 10years. I've been wearing them for almost 4 seasons now. I'm a bit older (35) than the lads I play with. They all have flash colourful boots that last about 10 games and they smell awful and you can't tackle in them properly. Mine are a bit like this. Theyre not even thay expensive, I think mine cost about 65quid.
I had some of those and they were crap! Didn’t even last the season. Glad you had a better experience!
My boots are Nike Total Nineties. Just like wearing a slipper with laces down the side. Best boots I had were my Hot Points though. Looked like Adidas but weren't.