Did the Barnsley area get much attention from the Luftwaffe during the war. Now I know Sheffield did but we're the coal mines a target. Been talking to my mam and she remembers watching the sky light up at Sheffield and Hull from Doncaster, which is unbelievable.
My grandad was a Regular in WW One so was there on day one. He volunteered for the Home Guard in WW Two and they were glad to have him. Some of the stories he told were really funny, proper Dad's Army stuff. The big worry in Barnsley was that the reservoirs would be used for seaplane landings of invading troops, so he was stationed at Langsett. His platoon was armed with a stick each and boxes of pepper. Germans land, so 1. Confront your enemy 2. Throw the box of pepper in his face. (open it first) 3. Strike him with the stick. 4. Remove his weapons and take him prisoner. My grandad' s reaction? Aye, reight.
For the record by some reckoning Hull was the most bombed British city. As for S. Yorks, gent called Joe worked for my dad and he told me you could see the bombs lighting up the sky over Sheffield from Barnsley.
My grandma and grand dad were running for the air raid shelter when my grandma turned back towards the house ,granddad "shouted where you going" grandma says i've forgotten mi false teeth,granddad shouted they're dropping bombs not pork pies.