Tickets on sale at 9.00 for his only European date of 2024. Lady Kaht and I love him but we don't fancy battling with a 75,000+ crowd at Cardiff Arms Park!
Storm Front is my favourite album of his. Leningrad is beautiful and And So It Goes still makes me well up to this day. That’s not her style, we didn’t start the fire, Storm front, all absolute belters. Might look at tickets after all…….
If Billy Joel did the half time entertainment at tomorrow's match by singing 3 of his best songs do you think many BFC supporters would watch him or would most go for a pxss, pint and pie as normal and would the ones who stay in their seats would give anymore than a polite clap when he'd done or do you think everyone would get excited and singalong to uptown girl.
Have to say the prices have put me off going, my wife was looking at it as an early 50th birthday present. Saw him perform in Hyde Park back in July as part of the BST programme, about £100 ticket, and he was absolutely magical, a perfect day of weather too. I still have an ambition to see him play at Madison Square Garden, missed him by two days last December. If anyone hasn't seen him live, and is lucky enough to have tickets for Cardiff, it's something special. As he said himself at Hyde Park, "The bad news is, I haven't got anything new to play. The good news is you don't have to listen to anything new."