Corrupt charlatans. How anyone can seriously think that this shower are for the ordinary person is beyond me
Well I’m an ordinary person and I voted for them and we don‘t need any railways going to that north no one wants to go there with their pits and dirty coal and I remember Arthur Scargill I do and he was a communist so we’d have all been Russians by now the only thing they got wrong is getting rid of Boris lovely man he was went to Oxford Zenica and invented that injection that saved my life and when Boris was Prime Minister you never saw any foreigners in this country because he kicked them out and people forget that...
I felt sure the poster was a work of satire, pretty good one too. But, unless the department of transport have been hacked, it's real. They've had it designed and they're using it. I don't know what to say.
And another thing the government aren’t all from Charlton I bet you don’t know where Charlton is Mr Abruzzo Red with your fancy foreign sounding name why don’t you go back to where you come from… Russia probably…
That was my impression too. I was so convinced that it was satire that I had to go searching for more info, just to prove myself wrong.
Further investigation proves that Network North is a misnomer. Funding is earmarked for all areas of the country. It's called Network North to make it appear the inequality is being addressed, but that was never the case. It's the government funding policy for the transport network in the entire country. North has nothing to do with it. Edit: Well, we're in the northern hemisphere I suppose, but that's about as relevant as north gets to the policy.
Its not often a government removes CapEx from the budget to bolster the OpEx spending. Potholes and road maintenance is core maintenance budget. This lot have stopped project spending on HS2 and using the money to do BAU operations. In business, this is usually a sign of financial issues...
This doesn’t surprise me. I live in London. I have done for many years. You live somewhere else. It could be a place called ‘the north’ or it could be somewhere in the Klingon Empire. Doesn’t matter, it’s not London. So the money saved on a pointless railway line to nowhere is now being used to repair our roads. What’s your problem?