No news from anyone in regards it’s opening. Just hope they can fix the large clock and floodlights under the canopy entrance to the train station. Looks proper run down - been stuck for years.
It’s the main entrance on Schwabisch Gmund way - we walk past every home game and comment on it looks dark and run down at the front with the 2 floodlights not lighting up the underneath of the canopy and the clock not working. Not exactly a great advert for folk coming to town.
Agreed. I always say it's the little things that make a difference (such as when the club painted the bollards red making it look much better) so something as simple as getting a light working should be a priority
Used that train station for years and never noticed that clock - proper bug me now! Lol There's a clock across from NUM buildings that hasn't worked for years as well ...
Yeah, I looked up a few years ago, and noticed the clock wasn’t working (think it may have lit up as well). Then noticed the 2 floodlights that light up the canopy and make it a feature are also not working. Bugs me when I walk past after a game - just makes the area dark but uncared for and that’s the Main entrance to our station. Been meaning to report it to Northern Rail for years - might email them tomorrow now
Even worse - just checked Google Street view, and gone back to June 2012 - the clock hasn’t moved since then, if not before. Well over 12 years now it’s not worked Stuck at 12:30…..
Maybe the Google Street view car only passes at 12:30... Ok maybe not. That really is pretty poor that they've left it knackered for that long. Probably had funds for new batteries reallocated to fix a pothole in London or something
More than likely, it’ll need a service and repair, but just been neglected. I’m going to report tomorrow - my good dead for Xmas. The clock on Hudds Rd across from the NUM building - what’s that in place for? As above post, that’s not worked for years either.
Just had to get on Google Street view for that one. I had no idea there was a clock there and I must have walked past it hundreds of times when I was at college.
Still no sign of the grant funded art works that led to the demolition of the Dev ! All that’s been done is part rendered a gable end and now the bed has been planted suggests nothing will happen? Think we’ve been sold a lie on that one, I think it was part of the grant for Eldon street but when publicised they were talking specifically about that and talking as a gateway to Town from the interchange.
That clock’s been stuck like that since it was struck by lightning when that kid tried to do 88mph in his Delorean…