Probably one of the best showman singers in recent years. All about the backing musicians and lighting effects as well but a great spectacle.
Great news that his favourite song of his own Last Christmas finally got Christmas number 1 today. That's what he really wanted when alive. It's been number 1 a few times since, but not Christmas week.
Interesting… never knew that. No sausage roll stupidity this year then although they raised loadsamoney
Lol. 7 yrs was last week for some of us older buggers. . Great voice though. Don't let the sun go down. Duet with Elton was brilliant.
Recorded it earlier and watching it now. Brilliant. What a talented songwriter, and what a sad loss. Plus, the deep blacks and vivid reds of the background graphics look amazing on my OLED telly. They should put this show on in Curry's to help flog their stock.
I liked George a lot. It's such a bloody shame what happened to him. That chuffing sting they did on him in the LA toilets. Bigoted arseholes. How was that hurting anybody? He was good looking, talented, really nice, a genuinely cracking lad, but because he was gay they hounded him and he ended up taking a load of drugs which did for him. He should be out there singing songs, entertaining people and having a good life. But what he isn't is a singer from recent years. He's from a bygone age. He's from my age. He's an 80s lad. A couple of years older than me, but it makes me really sad that we didn't look out for someone who was out there and vulnerable from that time. I didn't necessarily like his songs but I liked him.
Nice lad, i used to av a Wham t shirt, strutted mi stuff up an darn many a beach abroad, never wore it in an ararnd Brid though.
Saw a photo of him and Mr Bowie (Also 7 yrs departed) chatting around the time of Live Aid recently and just thought what talent there was there..2nd favourite singer to David for me..
Went to see Bowie, T, under duress. Glass spider tour. My Mrs his biggest fan. Multi coloured lighting gret big glass spider above the stage. Broad daylight. . A damp squib more like. Did enjoy his early stuff though that he played. Plus the bonus of Big Country as support. (Knew nowt abart em till then)
Never been a fan of his music but he had a superb voice' his live rendition of "the long and winding road" on youtube is absolutely perfect' and he was a great person aswell apparently...RIP..
Not be good if we all liked the same thing P...A band I liked but 1st saw as a support was a Scottish band called Runrig..never heard of em till then but a really good band..
I wasn't much of a Wham fan back in the day but a lot of their songs have really grown on me as an adult, they did some cracking tunes. George as a solo artist though was quality, particularly early 90s, his Listen Without Prejudice album is real top quality music. And I would say his voice is the purest note there's ever been. Was absolutely gutted when he died, not only because it was so sad what had happened to him, but because I'm sure the world had been robbed of some beautiful music that he would have produced in his later years.