Beautiful, graceful, noble creatures. But every so often, a name like this gets past the BHA! Sadly only 10th at Wetherby yesterday!
to o/t with apologies OK for RAISING the tone of your thread ...... my niece works at Swansea DVLA - sometimes based in the department which says yes or no to 'dodgy' car registrations - to date about 400 arer banned! e.g. With the new 71 plates, the likes of PR71 CK, BA71 ARD or AS71 HOL have been blocked, while contemporary combos such as CO71 VD, CO71 ONA, CO71 RNA and AN71 VAX are also prohibited. not sure how FWC * * * which is parked near my workplace each day 'passed.'
Nope! A horse made for the late great Jimmy Lindley, who always pronounced it as intended by the mischievous owners!
Thought the same when I first saw it. I know Andy Crook the trainer of the horse and asked him recently how it came to be named this and he said it’s a cave in North Yorkshire with that name. Unusual I know.
I've cheated and got these. Hoof hearted Aarrrrrrr Odor in the Court Ha ha ha Waikikamukau Notacatbutallama Passing wind Potoooooooo Two in the pink Fiftyshadesofhay Forrest jump Geespot Harry Trotter Horsey McHorseface Mane Attraction Onoitsmymothernlaw Sotally Tober Thewifedoesntknow Al Capony Doremifasalatido Edgar allen pony