Aren't a lot of these delicacies produced by the same company and just have different labels slapped on?
Also Bacon is all the same. If you want the best bacon buy Morrisons. Same as Sainsbury's and Marks and Spencer just a different sized and quality cut. Once it's fried that doesn't matter anyway.
After my student days swore never to eat baked beans again. As for Hendersons relish!!! Dee dar tapwater, buy Lea & Perrins Worcester sauce you neanderthals....
According to the tasters at Which magazine ASDA are top, followed by Branston. But don't worry, whatever brand you try will be Novichok free.
Personally me and Mrs Snaptin don't like Branstons. Aldi, Morrisons or Asda own brand seem to hit the spot (bean).
When I was a kid there were two brothers who lived opposite, their Mam only seemed to feed them on beans, when it was my turn to host the Subbuteo game my Mam made us play in the garage because the smell inside the house made her nearly vomit. We just thought it was funny.