You know when people say Collins doesn't have a style of play... Yes he does. We grind teams down. We take wind out of the sales of the opposition players and and the opposition supporters and we keep going until Phillips or Cole sticks the knife in. It's hard to be noisy when the team you're playing against just won't stop.
Presumably you got a ticket for the away end? Granted, I was in the Ponte, but other than for about 5 minutes after they scored, their chants were sporadic at best. It's rare that we make more noise than the opposition at home but I'd make that argument today.
I sit in family stand so close to away end. When they were singing they were very loud from where I sit.
Spot on. The commitment to chase teams down has been the most important part in upsurge of form for me. The togetherness between the players is starting to shine through. The opposition teams were doing that to us As they knew we weren't at the races during most 1st halves. Hopefully Collins has got into em over it. As he was struggling to explain why we were such slow starters.
Up to our equaliser they were quite loud. And tried lifting their team when 9 minutes injury time was announced. But there is certainly a better buzz around the ground from our lot these last few games. Let's hope it carrys over to the Bolton game.
Loud when they scored but silent once we equalised and then disappeared when we went ahead. Actually forgot all of them where here for large parts of todays game.
Poor effort by them today. Didn’t hear them at all but our home support was class which overshadowed them. They’ve definitely been better in the past. **** thing with this league is still be the best support we see down at Oakwell with them being rivalled by 250 Cheltenham and 200 by Cambridge in coming weeks
They made some noise for the first half hour and tried to take the pee by joining in with the Ponty at one point. They soon quieted down at 1-1 and some were leaving after Phillips netted the winner. Maungy beggers. Might go out round Swadlincote tomorrow in my Barnsley top just for a laugh. Looking forward to seeing my Derby supporting step-son