Surprise, surprise, SYP are delaying the release of the now digitised archive of documents relating to the Miners Strike. Who'd have thought it. BBC News - South Yorkshire Police accused of cover-up over miners' strike files
We all know the truth ,and have done all along. They or some of them were f*^'"ng brutal to some of those boys at Orgreave and throughout the strike. The problem is this as been kept quiet for too long. Many of my former colleagues have passed away without the truth and justice been cleared up. My only hope is I can see the day when some of those are brought to task. That evil b#!^*&# who clubbed the picket at Orgreave to almost death. How come he never faced the charges ,which were brought to my colleagues. Riot and affray for some. That horrible piece of **** should squirm every time he watches that footage. One day the public may get to see what really was happening. Police state ,NUM officials phones tapped,wrongful arrests with bail conditions that if you go anywhere near a picket line ,your arrested for breaking bail conditions. The police were used to break the working class. Divide and conquer, look at the shithouses now looking after each other .
What would have happened without the conflict and strike? The pits were going to be shut sooner or later. Would people have gone graciously to be re-trained or stack shelves at Aldi or Tesco's. Yes the miners were badly wronged but all going on about the strikes does is stir up more hatred. You'll never beat the establishment and unlike Hillsborough you aren't taking on the colour of a rosette. It's the whole system.
I was on strike in 84 everyone knew what was going on . Thatcher hated us since 74 and Ted Heaths downfall she was an MP then I think , all the establishment were culpable BBC news and the Tory press all got behind her rhetoric she vowed to smash the NUM if she ever got the chance .I picketed Shirebrook early days it was fine played football with Avon and Somerset police but the mood soon changed when the Met police arrived with no numbers on there uniform.
"The Enemy Within" Warning: Reading the below could seriously affect your blood pressure.
It didnt need to. The national ballot is a myth mainly spin by those looking for excuses. The national executive were balloted, that was enough
Firstly the main problem was they were shutting down the entire industry and not retraining men or finding alternative work for these employees, to say they wouldn't be gracious or welcoming of another job is presumptuous and probably wrong in every case. But we'd never know because it wasn't offered, Thatcher and her government wanted to shut the mines and in doing so smash the unions to pieces. The miners were indeed badly wronged, there were dozens of communities shattered by the actions of the government and the police, the fact that there has been no prosecutions and no justice brought upon the police from this means the anger will still be felt by those affected by these strikes. There were deaths, illnesses, life changing injuries and life changing circumstances brought from these situations such as Orgreave. Just from my family alone we had family pets killed by the police storming into our villages and homes, we also had family arrested and released in the middle of the night without charge repeatedly. It will continue to stir up more hatred until there is justice served. Withholding documents about the miners strike is going to stir up these emotions and rightfully so, why are they withholding these documents?
I reckon that's pretty obvious they are waiting for a delivery of tippex and permanent black marker pens or someone is going to be in bother.
The witch set the trap and Arthur matched the NUM right into it. They started to stockpile coal in 79 as soon as they were elected and the miners thought it was great earning loads of Dosh from bonuses and overtime payments then when they'd got enough stockpiled to see through a long strike she sprung the trap whether Nottingham would have gone on strike after a national ballot we'll never know but having worked in Nottinghamshire after the strike ( not in the pits) I don't think they would have but to be honest it wouldn't have made a great deal of difference the Tories were prepared to do whatever it took to destroy the NUM and didn't give a **** about the collateral damage it caused to towns like ours.
Bazza The lad you refer to Baz. (Russ) Was beaten so badly the cop broke his Baton. And Russ was charged with riot. Paul We played cricket with the Hampshire lot at Orgreave mate on more than one day. and were given Acapella performances from both sides (Hampsire and Pickets ) Then would proceed to push/shove each other when the lorries rolled up. On one picket line I joined at a Notts pit. Peed missen laughing. No idea which force. But some with their backs to the scabs. Were indeed joining in the chants. a bit discreetly mind Had some good days in that sense. BUT Them B'stds, The MET. Eg violent. Waving tenners Enough said. As for SYP. I warned one of my best mates growing up in my Village. a PC on the picket line at Houghton main one day (He ended up in CID ). They would get the backlash after the strike. if they didn't get shut of the MET. His Dad a Deputy at the time.
Certainly no love lost with them mate. I got into a debate with one on a forum years later. Absolutely deluded or as I thought, a pr1ck. Trying to say they only dealt with an issue in the normal way and were entirely innocent of any accusations. We were the bad guys in entirety. According to that B'std. Hopefully the rest of the Forum (a national one) weren't taken in by him.
Your right it does bring back the bitterness of the past , I hate myself for falling in to this trap. However it is history that should be portrayed truthfully, not the god damm lies that were perpetrated at the time. Justice and truth must be portrayed to the people who were not involved .
Never hate yourself mate. We were thatchers target to break the unions. Just as today. These Tory ******* are not willing to broker any deals. Hoping folk will turn against Rail workers. Doctors etc.. by prolonging the disputes. Doctors who btw. Were lauded during covid in the media. I'll allus be a tory Hater mate. I hate what not only what they stood for. But stand for.
They'd had the ballot and the vote was for strike action. Let's be right, if Arthur Scargill had had a national.ballot the Toties would have found another reason for the strike not to be valid.
Can I ask what your colleague was during the strike. It's a pertinent question and I'll answer in the best way I can.
Yorkshire miners voted over 80% to strike if a pit was closed in Yorkshire. Any clues here why Cortonwood was closed . No **** Sherlock