Some are obvious clearly, but some less so, and some downright bizarre in my opinion. Anyone wanna explain why they named themselves thus?
Some years ago I worked for Bos Office Supplies, all my customers who I visited always called me Bossman.
I joined the BBS in the Darren Moore era when he was getting a bit of stick hence the name dodgey defence, just a shame I spelt dodgy wrong
The company I used to work for many years ago, before it was bought out, was called Distinction Systems Limited, which we always abbreviated to DSL. Boring, I know.
I'm a birder, shitehawk is a slang name for a herring gull (seagull). It could have been worse, I might have gone for the medieval name for a kestrel - windf**ker.
I once translated it and it didn't make any sense with no context, but I'm sure there's a story... Store or Rollo might have made more sense.
Dreamboy was the original Darts nickname for Gary Anderson in his BDO days. 3000 as in Year 3000 the Busted classic