VOTING IS NOW OPEN FOR OUR END-OF-SEASON AWARDS Club News It's time to vote for three prestigious end-of-season awards... Continue reading on the official site...
Kane for player of the season. Phillips for goal of the season & no idea about the women so can’t judge.
Gone for Kane as player of the year and McAtee’s lob as goal of the year. Unlucky if anyone scores a screamer in these last couple of games. Reckon McAtee could get player of the year as he’s a fan favourite it seems.
Devante for player of the season. He's gone **** but without his goals I dread to think where we would be. I can't vote for him for goal of the season because for some unexplained reason his Northampton strike is missing. It might be because I was in the eye line of the run and how crucial it was to us getting 3 points, but it was the most memorable for me. He couldn't get caught, declined the option of passing and did a cheeky lob.
Wouldn’t like to pick one but guess it has to be Kane or McAtee. Cole might get a few votes for the first half of season and Phillips for second half. One thing is certain, a defender can’t win it this season.