Today's red team are Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney. They're looking for something small, but with a lot of history behind it...
Been retired for about 6 years now I S. Sometimes it comes down to DTV. Specially on grotty weather days. Also awaiting a delivery.
The school comment’s not on but in what world is ‘Yayyyyyyyyyyyy. Natasha Rankin Sharp is sooooooooo HOT mmmmmmmm’ not creepy? The mmmmmmmm bit gives me actual shudders, and not in a good way.
Probably is in todays world but let’s be honest we’ve all done it with our mates both men and women. Dare I say he was after bites anyway after yesterday’s post.
Yeah and I probably put my reply wrongly, it’s border line wolf whistling territory but finding another attractive no matter what sex is fine but maybe keep your thoughts private.
Genuinely I can say i’ve never said anything as creepy as the OP. At least not since i was about 15. It’s a ridiculous thing for a grown man to do/say. That makes it ok then.