As always, we don't have all the facts and never will. We dont know the exact specific actual reason Collins was sacked, and nor do we know whether Thalhammer is even being considered for the job. All the speculation is inevitable and it will continue. Indo think we should be more patient and not jump to conclusions regarding the competence of the new guys reporting into the Board. For now, my focus is on Friday and next week with the hope that we can do Bolton and make the miserable, brussen git Evatt even more of an angrier man than he currently seems to be.
Omg why can't people accept facts when it's gospel...then again it's easier to disbelieve a comment than trust it...ffs anyone can come to my house and have a drink and I will show u the truth. Dominik signed a pre contract. He flew here on Monday. There were work permit issues and the appeal failed. It simple
Wow. Sorry if I've touched a nerve. You're clearly better informed than me. Given that much of tbe speculation came from Nixon I, quite reasonably, had my doubts.
But yet here we are - in the top 6. Not sacking him is the obvious answer, then deal with a new appointment in July. If he somehow got us up, then there is a discussion to have about him staying or going - as the board had clearly had second thoughts. If we failed in the playoffs, then he probably should go (even though personally i would keep). He would have failed in his remit of promotion. Absolutely no positives can be gleaned from what we've done.
You haven't got a clue that there was and is no plan. Is it not at all possible that the board spoke to players within the squad who felt that they, as a team, had a better chance of success in the olay offs if they were allowed to play attacking football rather than playing the defensive football that Collins insisted on? Is it not possible that a decision was taken that we had a greater chance of success with the backroom staff taking charge than we would have had with Collins here? "Here you are Disco, you may as well have a go mate" is extremely disrespectful to Martin Devaney. He isn't some random bloke off the street, he's an experienced coach who has 10 years of experience at Barnsley fc and knows this squad like the back of his hand. He's coached every single player in our squad day in, day out, since the day they walked through the doors at Oakwell so no they haven't just said "Here you are Disco, you may as well have a go mate" they have turned to the long term senior coach and decided that at the moment they feel him taking the reigns gives us a better chance than Collins remaining in place. You might not like that plan and I'm not necessarily saying it's the strategy I would have taken but it is an extremely valid decision to make.
Ohh I wouldn't do that mate, posting your mobile number on here. Can it be done instead, in the private message part of this site.
I had absolutely no expectation that a new manager would be appointed before or during the playoffs. Would surprise me if we did. It's a job for the summer break, get them in place whilst everyone is on their jollies.
We all know the club can be poor at paperwork and organising stuff. FA Cup, a player signed on deadline but then rejected due to a paperwork error. Well Dominik was signed pre contract and told to come on Monday to be announced..well the work permit obviously wasn't looked at properly hence he's not here
I genuinely don't know if there was an obvious answer. We also don't know yet if there are any positives. If we beat Bolton, plenty will be saying sacking Collins was the right move. Personally speaking, after the Blackpool game I had lost all confidence in Neill Collins to get a result against Northampton. So had many others, by the sounds of things. If the Board thought the same, I can see why they might think they had to at least try something different. Who knows whether that was the driver. Was it ST numbers? Was it trying to placate the fans? Was it damage limitation to deflect the anger away from them? No idea. As it happens, Devaney still managed to blow the win, with very little improvement on the pitch, and it was other results that got us over the line. I personally wouldn't have sacked him - especially if they were just going to give the play-offs to Devaney and Stead. If you're making a change, make a change. But I can see why they might have felt like they had to, even if I wouldn't have made the same call. Whichever way you cut it though, it's a right balls up. As a fan, to be in the play-offs with this little confidence, feels really weird.
I completely disagree with you (I think) about Collins abilities/capabilities. I was very much anti Collins for quite a while whereas I think you were pro. However, the nature of the sacking at this stage I think is very 'weird' to say the least. The guy should have been given some slack till next month. Its the timing of it that doesn't gel for me. Added to the fact, as I think you mentioned that there was no automatic incomer smoothly lined up. It's putting unfair pressure on Devaney in the short term for no apparent reason than the board thought a)Collins was so awful that anyone would be better or b) the board thought they had that top bloke lined up or c) they were just placating fans for season ticket purposes in the short term.