Bolton delivered a few corners last night very similar to the one from which they scored in the first game. In each instance there was a Barnsley player to head the ball away. So, back to that first game... Was the tactic to not have anyone stood there and it wasn't until they scored that the coaches thought, "Jeez, we should probably have had a man stood at the front post, we'll pop someone there for the next game." Or was someone instructed to defend that area and they just wandered off?
There was also an identical obstruction incident on Roberts last night to the one they scored from, which was quite rightly penalised.
We can't defend a corner. The facts show that, We even let one in direct from a corner. That's me in the Korma. That's me in the spotlight. Trying to not lose my ....
Philips was rugby tackled for their goal in the first leg, so it may have been him who was supposed to be on the front post
The setup is awful. It was mildly better last night because as you rightly point out there was a front post man to clear the low one (the same guy did try and score again in the second half and Cadden headed it away) but we have 11 in the box, with 10 in the 6 yard box. Bolton therefor loaded the areas with their players, but there's no one blocking runners from deep and so consequently when the ball is delivered inevitably into the 6 yard box (because they know Roberts is so weak) the Bolton players have a run whilst our players are coming from a static position. The first goal last night was a direct result of there being no pressure on the part cleared ball due to not leaving anyone up (or even, outside the 6 yard box); the second a result of their players attacking both headers from a running start against our static players entrenched in the 6 yard box. Massive basics cost us the tie.
Agree. The difference between how we set up and how Bolton set up was very noticeable last night too. They were very tight and whilst I hate it, used the arms wrapped around the player tactic, blocked runs etc. We on the other hand weren't touch tight and allowed their players a run. We have to be better defending set-pieces next season.
Their corners were excellent. No surprise they scored 15 from set plays this season. They also cheat at them but I guess if refs don't pick it up then teams will take advantage. Their corners reminded me of ours under Big Val..which were class and successful. They can make the difference in tight games and in my mind, there is no excuse for any team being so poor at them, when they are paid so much money. They should be practised relentlessly until perfect.
I missed it until my brother told me to look again' he literally puts his head under his arm like he's setting for a scrum' theres no doubt that had VAR been used 2 of their goals would have been chalked off' we just never seem to get the rub of the green..
I was surprised on the evening how many people seemed to think it wasn’t a foul and blamed Roberts. It’s a truly dreadful and unforgivable decision.
It seems to me that blocking pushing & taking out off the ball at corners is now tolerated by referees.
As is kicking the ball away that got an instant yellow card at the beginning of the season. Oxford did it last night, right in front of the ref. He did nothing. And that's why players cheat and bend the rules. Refs don't stick to what rules are put in place to try and stamp crap out.
Yea...and I notice pundits actually now give it more lovable titles like "blocking off your man" similar to "inviting the contact" for penalties. I appreciate its super hard for the refs. Theres just so much going on at set pieces, its difficult for them. Bolton are very very good at the dark art and it has paid them dividends with the most goals in the division from set pieces. Maybe its something we should utilise this advantage.