Guess you'll not be voting then. ?. Whilst I agree labour are not the labour of old. Anything left of centre has to be better than these self serving lovely people.
We need to go back to the Michael Foot Labour party of old then. That went well with the electorate. I liked Corbyn ,but was never ever going to get elected. Kier Starman is best of the two evils ,we need to embrace this ,just to get these corrupt barstewards out of office. It's not the Labour Party we remember. It's the only way they will get elected.
Looking back over the past 14 years, I can best sum up the the next. The Tories do not deserve another term in office, for what they've done to us.
Tell you what, if he had been elected, we would be in a much better place & I would still be retired.
It's not my opinion of him ,it's the media hype against him. I really liked his honesty. Could relate with him more than Sunac the billionaire
There's Keir Starman, waiting centre right He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds
You used to be able to walk up Downing Street like any other street , if Sunak is stupid enough to walk outside in the rain to call a snap election he deserves the barracking . He could have done it inside
Sunak is a Tory so deserves to go for all the nastiness which he has participated in. However, on a human level I'm sorry if he got wet and gets a chill. I'm also sorry he was barracked while he was talking. He's also been treated appallingly by his colleagues. I know people on here will call me a naive softy but ALL people deserve respect and that's why I'm a socialist. Tories don't respect people and have no empathy.
Well they stood around while they partied during lockdown so why would they stop him announcing a general election? You're right the country has stopped low with the Tories in charge but I don't see why the police would prevent the tax dodging lockdown criminal from announcing a general election
I'm a sympathetic person, but it was his choice to get wet and pursue policies that got the rich richer and the poor poorer!
And to help organise an illegal party then take covert images of other people at the party, record campaign videos and then release the videos, eventually get your 'friend' essentially sacked and released the campaign videos pretending they were newly filmed. The man is a disgrace
I agree with you. As usual on here though there is nastiness and glee re: someone else. Don't like the guy? Don't like the nasty party? Then don't support them in any way, don't fall for their divisive policies. Bottom line is though don't behave like one.
How do you work that out? I admire Corbyn's honesty and principles, but he had the economic nous of a shrew.
It was interesting to hear Craig McKinley thank him for many (unheralded) visits whilst he was in hospital. That goes greatly to Sunak's credit. I hope he's out on his arse, in which case he'll still have a great life (by his own standards). But that was a nod in the direction of some humanity, at least.