Live on you Tube now. Incompetence at best. Full blown liar at worst. I choose the latter. Tying her in knots.
Yes jail the only real punishment. Many have suffered and a few the ultimate when losing their lives. Horrible greedy individual.
a priest who's behaviour was so bad that people killed themselves and then lied to cover their tracks? Well I am shocked It's just a shame that it's the innocent victims who killed themselves rather than the evil bitch who helped to cause their deaths
Watched it for most of the day, and she's being forensically dismantled by the KC, who's doing a superb job. Pity she's been dead-catted in the news by Sunak, but there's two more days of this to come. The Sky coverage, with some of the victims watching live just shows how badly she's doing. Many just wanted to hear a bit of accountability from her and are fuming at the crocodile tears on show.
I couldn't agree more about Mr Beer. He is calmly and objectively slowly allowing Paula Vennels to reveal her true character through his incisive questioning. His past and present involvement in so many important public inquiries is very impressive. No surprise to find that he also sits as a Recorder and a Deputy High Court Judge. I didn't care for Sky's tactics with the victims. It was unnecessary - being a traditionalist, I would say disrespectful to the inquiry - to have their running commentary at breaks in the testimony. They deserve justice, and they will have their day. But I thought this was in poor taste.
It’s truely shocking some of the evidence, the poor bloke who took his life after being accused of stealing £67k was being made to pay back the PO £50k from being robbed at gun point then Vennells is trying to dig up dirt on him after the event .
Having watched the 1st session this morning. The incompetence. Cover ups and damage limitation exercises that went on are astonishing. Nothing we didn't expect. But watching and hearing the names involved makes me so much more angry. Proper enquiries need to be raised against the water companies. (I know I bang on about em having worked for em for 30+yrs) But the prosecutions are just scratching the surface. All of the above apply. Most fines are avoidable. I personally in my dept. (Electrical. Mechanical and tech dept) fought a losing battle trying to get things changed. How some can look themselves in the mirror and have a clear conscience by just standing by and letting things happen, claiming things are what they are, and no point in arguing with those above, is the reason things are allowed to deteriorate. More afraid of rocking the boat to keep their positions than doing/saying what's right.
Vennels getting a right grilling and questioning from I suspect one of the lawyers*. (Missed the start) Blaming anyone but herself. Some of the emails are very damning. *Edit Edward Henry KC
Eddie Henry ....good but not really getting into the meat of things. Lots of aggressive statements and posturing but not enough incisive questioning. On the other hand, Mr.Stein (who followed Eduardo) was absolutely ******* top notch. Lead her up the garden path throughout and once there, clobbered her over the bonce with a virtual 20 stone sledgehammer. Brilliant "barristering"...... exposing her for the gutless, lying, lily-livered, deceitful person she is. He really got into the truth of what she has done throughout this whole shocking episode.
I have followed this scandal for a number of years, mainly through the numerous exposes in Private Eye. my question to her is “How can she reconcile her Christianity (she was on the short list to be appointed Bishop of London) with the way she treated the sub-postmasters/mistresses? she repeatedly blames her directors for not telling her the truth or “The Post Office”. She led the Post Office and she was in charge of the Post Office including her directors. She is guilty of negligence and of wasting large amounts of our money on the group litigation where the policy was to out-spend the JFSB and their backers and force them into a compromise. The outcome was that even though the JFSPwon the case and were awarded large damages, most of the money was swallowed up by legal fees. She could have called a halt to this but chose the hard nosed approach advised by her lawyers. I think, like many, she deserves a jail sentence along with her hench people including Angela Van Den Borgen. The reality is that the “establishment” will give her wrap over the knuckles and tell her to go away and keep her head down for ever. Did she never, as a Christian, ask “What would Jesus do?” Rant over.
What strikes me is that The Post Office had its own powers to prosecute without having to involve the CPS or the Police - absolutely wild.
Several public bodies have or previously had prosecutorial powers. They are subject to the same rules of procedure as the Police/CPS, e.g. PACE, criminal procedure statutes and rules. I suspect that quite pertinent to this case is whether duties of prosecution disclosure were complied with.