For my sins I bought shares of royal mail when the government put them up for grabs. Now with this take over will I have to sell them, I seek greater powers than me on this subject? Ps thanks for all your wisdom on this site.
As I understand it. A vote of shareholders will take place later this year at the AGM. And it'll be down to them and the regulator what will happen. He is by far the biggest shareholder at present. Copied article A Shareholder cannot generally be forced to sell shares in a company unless you have either agreed to a process resulting in that outcome, or the court orders that outcome.
The number of people still who think the Royal Mail has anything to do with the Post Office has to be massive. "Hang on, I posted my parcel at the Post Office? Sorry love, you need to contact Royal Mail, now't to do with us." Brilliant, once again by the Tories. They just keep giving & giving the shareholders money & us plebs sweet **** all. Gone on the 4th July.
Just another piece of the family silver flogged off by the Tories and in the hands of overseas asset strippers who charge us an eye watering amount for piss poor service British Gas British Telecom British Airways the local water and electricity companies and generators, British Rail British Steel British Leyland the list goes on and on mark my words if they get in again the NHS will go the same way.
The government happily took money from it when it was at its peak. Didn’t invest, crippled it with an impossible Universal Service Obligation, and then got rid of it at the first opportunity when it needed millions of pounds of investment.
Thanks people, I thought that would happen but wasn't sure and I knew that there are people with fingers on the pulse unlike me..COYR
I genuinely didnt know, re your first paragraph. I wanted some stamps last week and went to the PO in tarn. Evri delivery service was advertised. As a delivery service you could sort at the post office.