When Britain ruled India, Palestine, Australia etc, do you think their traditions were respected? What are you so afraid of? What do you think is going to happen?
Statistically, immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than those born in a country. This also extends to their children, and it is only by the 2nd generation (grandchildren) that the crime rates level out with the native population. This is because their immigration status is often linked to their criminal record and they face double sanctions for the same crime compared to "natives". BTW, this was a global study and it found the same results across Europe, the Middle East, Australia and the Americas.
I was driving to the French west coast and we stopped at a cafe for lunch , I asked for treize omelettes , the waiter in perfect English said ‘you want 13 omelettes’ obviously I only wanted 3 , foreign languages aren’t my strong point
Sorry mate but that's a catch all assumptive generalisation. I know I won't change your mind but think about it logically. Are you saying immigrants are more inclined to break the law than indigenous people? If so, there's no evidence for that at all as has been posted. And, even if you were correct how do you think it would be used by racists to justify mistreatment of all other law-abiding immigrants. Its simplistic racist bait to say what you're saying I'm afraid. Let people alone unless they break the law.
This is such a demoralising thread. The world collectively endured a pandemic. Wars wage. Climate crisis burgeons. And yet we still have so much division. I live in an area that has around a 37% non white population. Within 4 doors up, down and opposite there is an old Sri Lankan guy, a carribean bloke with a central american wife, a young white couple, a black family, a lesbian woman, a french couple, a chinese family and a young 3rd generation afghan couple who just moved in a few months ago and work in banking. They are all really lovely people and always ask if we are ok if we see them or in the street whatsapp. I don't get this non british thing. Our cuisine is so much more interesting because of migration. Jewish, middle eastern, asian, european. I'm not sure what we'd actually eat were it not for cuisines derived from migrants. Can't we just learn from each other and find a harmony? Rather than find some fault or difference, that is generally based on lies anyway, and try and magnify it to be a perceived risk that actually causes no harm.
Can't like your comments enough squire. Its too easy and simplistic to turn to hatred. Everybody should be cut some slack and respected unless its patently obvious that as individuals they're not very nice.