When do NHS staff get their pay rise? (So that paying for their parking permit and pension doesn't take them below the national minimum wage). Are Labour going to fix that? Are they going to re-enter talks with unions postponed because of the election.
I thought this was going to be another Conor Grant thread! Joking aside I’m very concerned about the future of the NHS. It’s on a slippery slope and I don’t think that will be reversed any time soon. Our new health secretary has taken several back handers from private healthcare.
Congratulations to Labour but I'm not happy tonight. My life will get worse under a Labour government.
Of course he can, anyone is allowed an opinion on any topic they like, what you can do is ignore it. Back of a *** packet maths, but roughly 20 million voting-age adults in the UK decided not to vote yesterday. Not all of them are just lazy and/or couldn't be bothered. A hell of a lot of people just feel totally disillusioned with the whole thing. Hand on heart, when was the last time the nation was "happy"? Most people earning a good living that wasn't eradicated almost completely by the cost of doing so? Back in the day, a family could be raised on a single income, people had a greater sense of community, friendship and camaraderie as they had time in their lives to actually spend on caring about other things other than making sure the mortgage got paid, or sleepless nights worrying about where the money was coming from to pay for the gas or leccy. I just think people are coming to the realisation, wrongly or otherwise, that the Government, of any stripe, doesn't really give two hoots about them.
How? If you work for the NHS and think you will be worse off under Labour than the Tories you must have properly drank the kool aid over the last 14 years.
How? Surely you don’t think the nhs are worse off than the last 14 years? Or are you referring to taxation?
Arguably, but it's subjective I suppose. But I'd argue that Brown skinted us, and his predecessor... I think he was evil. A case in point being the Government at the time of Blair, wilfully lied to us regarding Saddam (no I'm not defending him) but they did lie. And also completely ignored the calls from millions of people up and down the Country to not invade Iraq. Government after Government, blue, red or otherwise, just do precisely what they like once they're in power. 9 times out of 10, manifesto "promises" go undelivered or underdelivered.
Of course he can have an opinion but becomes weakened if he didn't vote for the party that wouldn't worsen his life. Don't know what your other 3 paragraphs have to do with my comment though.
The decline started with the pfi schemes that have crippled many nhs trusts pontefract wakefield and dewsbury been one. Both the torys and Labour under Blair and brown over saw these.
As I posted pre election the simple question is "Have you been happy with the last 14 years" If the answer is no then try something else..
I have. I've been taxed less and if it wasn't for this bloody election getting in the way I'd be being paid more.
Have you tried getting to see a doctor or a dentist lately? (Or have your tax savings enabled you to go private?)
It's fairly simple. You suggested that he's not allowed to complain about the result of the election as he hadn't voted. I suggested that he can hold and share any opinion he wishes. My next three paragraphs were a suggestion as to why he'd feel disenfranchised with the political system.....and not vote. I dare say you did know that, you just felt like you had to reply with something. That's ok though, as we've discussed, that's your right.
You shouldn’t need a pay rise to pay for parking, that’s on your employer, not whoever the government is. Lots of Hospitals don’t charge staff to park for work.
Do you mean down to the individual trust involved? Also isn't working in the NHS working for the government?