That’s how you do it. None of this New York rubbish. Watched it a few times as it gets you. We’ve gone to America They’ve gone back to their roots. Fantastic video.
Think it was brilliant me. A good gesture towards their old chairmen as well who did very well for them pre Swann, who had to retire due to ill health and 2 heart attacks
When I saw the shirt manufacturer I was thinking "kilme". Roger Moore turning up was too much. He's been dead ten years. Let him retire. "Oih Scunthorpe no! We know you were ok in the nineties with your long haired Italian striker but stop. Relax and let proper teams play football".
You need to watch it with the music on too. They have past players, manager and chairmen in that video. I personally thought it was quite touching as another poster said…..Steve Wharton had health issues. He was the oldish guy at the end giving the nod of approval to the new chairwoman Michelle Harness. I thought it was brilliantly put together with a lot of thought. History passed on to new.
I didn't know about any of that, still thought it was a decent video, you could guess that it would mean something to Scunny fans.
If I was a scunnyI fan i would have thought it was great,sadly it does nothing for me as a Barnsley Fan
That was better than ours, I mean ours had the horrific kits from the last year 5 years running of Puma gash. Not sure why they had jingle bells as backing music though.
A club who very nearly went out of business less than a season ago and who were threatened to be kicked out of their stadium have made a video saying 125 years still standing, showing history and tradition and people hate it? And there's us putting a new badge on the kit, changing our shorts to red, sticking stars all over the shirt and calling it a not to history I know who's done it better and it isn't Darrell Clarke's red and red US army
Very good and I'm sure the Scunthorpe fans like it, which is all that matters really. I dread to think what it would look like if our media team attempted something similar.
I imagine it would be JAQ strolling round the bronx looking up at the graffiti covered buildings with a nostalgic look on her face before warmly hugging kid super and the word HOME slowly appearing on the screen before the US national anthem plays and a voiceover tells you the video was "proudly brought to you by vfiles. The true identity of Barnsley soccer"
I'll admit I didn't know the context so can appreciate it may mean more to their fans. But to me it was just a bit naff.