Had 6 at our place all come down with a 24 hour bug between yesterday and today. Must be another COVID bug too because it exclusively appeared to target the over 40s
Tons of people must have booked it off (or called in sick or wfh) as the traffic was non existent both ways today.
I go to a gym on Mondays and Thursdays. I dread going and always come home exhausted. I got a WhatsApp this morning asking if I could give today a miss. I was devastated.
I had it booked off to take the kids out today but son was sick so cancelled and worked it. Think I might be a statistical outlier!
Yes, me! :-( BUT I was (still am) poorly, and not self inflicted. Was throwing up yesterday morning and started with flu like symptoms. Decided to stay home to watch the match. Had lemsips and a brandy nightcap. Could not get up this morning. Felt like I’d been hit by a truck. Didn’t want to call in sick as didn’t want anyone to think it wasn’t genuine, but I’ll address all that when I get back - which almost certainly won’t be tomorrow!
Retired so only the housework and garden to bin off. It was a crap sporting weekend all round. Kerry lost in the All Ireland semi final, England lost and Colombia lost to Argentina so some of the family are in the dumps due to that. Maybe I should dump all my allegiances and support a team that has more money than anyone else, can sign the best players in the world and get away with 100+ charges of financial cheating and win the league every year. Nope that would just be pathetic and boring wouldn't it? I wouldn't last a season.