....that certain people who post on here are a bit less miserable and a lot more respectful when they communicate with people in real life than they are on this board. Not aimed at anyone specific by the way, more a general comment in the hope of improving the overall tone and atmosphere on here.
Could also do with a protocol, maybe colour text coded, that makes it obvious when you are being sarcastic, ironic, trolling or already drunk. if I recall it was like this last preseason and then we beat Port Vale 7-1 and suddenly it all died down again until it looked like we had a chance of automatic promotion and were throwing it away due to “Collins Ball”.
It's really important in life that people have the strength to call out bad behavior actions or words. It's difficult to do but so important for things to improve. Calling out racism for example has made a significant difference not resolved the issue but the more people that call it out the better things become. It doesn't stop at just racism or sexism or sexual orientation it needs to be where ever unwarranted aggression, abuse or even unnecessary offensive comments are apparent. We can have different opinions, opinions though should be balanced, thought through and other opinions taken in to consideration. Let's call out offensive behaviour on here to keep improving this great forum. I personally would like to know if I ever offend anyone so that I get the opportunity to apologise and make amends if possible.
Here's what do to save myself for getting dragged into a tit for that.. even tho I have this morning replied to one or two.. .my rule of thumb is post your opinion and that's it. Don't read the replys good bad or indifferent.. Post, leave it alone and move on.. Your never going to change someone's opinion so why try.. let them have there's and me mine.. But don't get dragged in, be able to walk away. After all it's just you and a screen
Sorry for jumping in again this morning, words though written or verbal can have a big impact on an individual and its not a forum if you don't read others posts. It's important before we press the send button that the content of our posts is thought through for the potential impact on others. We don't know what other people are going through and this forum is there for all Barnsley fans to join up and should be a safe place even when emotions run high. If we don't care what others think then I don't believe that's a good place to be.
People are entitled to be glass half full, I try my best but have been like that at many times in life, not just the reds but life in general. I think I’m better these days but certainly have my moments. What really gets on my wick is when people come on here aggressive or even downright abusive. Someone went after me last night. I asked him a question and he disappeared, although he was active on other threads later that evening so I’m sure he saw it. I noticed last season whenever we’re winning he was absent on this board. And he’s not alone. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not averse to a rant or a wallow (couldn’t stand Collins personally for instance), but I think that’s fine if you give credit where it’s due as well. If you can’t or won’t do that, why are you involving yourself in something that you never get any joy out of?
After being rude myself in the dim and distant past and feeling terrible for it and, subsequently, after being abused by several 'fellow fans' on here a year or two ago which upset me so much I had to leave the site I now have three rules of thumb when I post. 1. I imagine Im sitting in the pub with this person having a beer after the match. There's a real person there with feelings. 2. If the other person says something rude or insulting its incumbent on me to stay polite, call it out or walk away from my beer. 3. Could my message be interpreted wrongly? If so rephrase it/add a smiley or be prepared to apologise. Also I now know that its only me on this site that talks any sense
just like the early ‘Wild West’ days of the BBS where we would arrange a meet up in the Outpost but we would just end up having a laugh and getting pissed
I’ve liked this post, but now I’m not sure If I fall into the category of those it addresses. If so - **** off!!