Unless he isn't fit there's no one better than Hourihane. There in lies the problem. If he's fit he's better than Russell, Connell, Benson and Styles. If we hit the ground running with Hourihane in the dugout everyone's happy as Larry. If we don't...he has to play. Then people will ask why wasn't he playing. Should play until his legs have gone and take advantage of FFP with him being a coach for me.
Connors only 33 and he appears to be the model pro.I'd expect him to play around 30 to 35 of our games next season.He's got plenty of time to full fill his coaching ambitions so I expect him being a regular for the next 2 seasons.
He played 41 league games for a promotion winning side from our league last season, he'll be reight mate.
I think the fact he’s said he’s not really to be a player explains everything behind the fact that he’s come back to us.
If he isn't going to be a player it concerns me that we're going to have two players doing one man's job. We can jest. But one of the worst things I've seen as Barnsley fan was Lee Johnson benching Winnall and going 4-6-0. Because he didn't think we could play 4-4-2. (Hourihane couldn't play in a two lol).
Has Conor actually said he wouldn't play many games ? I know he said he isn't the player he was when he left and he didn't expect to play every game but many seemed to have twisted the words to he's hardly going to play
Think the key is that he very much is not the player he was when he left. He can still do a job, but is no longer the guy you build the team around.
I think everyone accepts that too but Craig is a defensive midfielder, Benson is made of glass and Styles is leaving.
He got a team promoted last season as an almost ever present. I'm pretty sure he won't have gone rubbish all of a sudden. I reckon he will play way more games for us than he's making out.
Midfield to me looks like it potentially has a better set of options than we had last year, assuming they don't cash in on Phillips. It's the left side and striker situation that look bleak.