Got to be thee most under pressure Manager in L1 this season even more than Brum, Signed how many, 12 is it and still not happy. Still after a a striker and two midfielders he said after Blunts game yesterday. If they aren't anywhere near the automatics he like Tony Stewarts club will be in 5hit street. Big gamble at Rovrum to bounce back first time of asking.. Be a interesting watch from a distance.
Big ask to get a massive turnaround of staff and players in and expect them to hit the ground running. I expect after the first 12 games he will have them playing his "style"...which at this level will be winning football. If the worse comes to the worse he could have a celebrity Boxing match with Barton to air their differences.
As it stands at the minute, I can see them finishing outside the top 6. They needed a clear out, but they've still been left with a few poor players who are probably on big wages. A lot has been made of their transfer activity, but they've still got about 8 fewer players than they finished the season with. The new players will need time to gel, and if I'm honest, barring 4 or 5 of them, I don't think they've recruited particularly well. I actually think their biggest asset is Steve Evans. He knows the division, and knows how to get results. Even so, I think it's a big ask, even for him, given the turnover of players.
I reckon they’ll be up there. They’ll be in that bunch that’ll be chasing the top pack along with Wigan, Bristol Rovers and Birmingham. Be a tough league this season and unfortunately can’t see us anywhere near it. Shame really as we have a great nucleus to build on.