I try my best. Keeps saying he hates leaving me on my own. Didn't want to go today. Just tell him mummy loves him too much.
Off topic,l but love your new Avatar. Probably my favourite cartoon as a kid. .... "When Eric eats a banana..." etc
He looks happy and enjoys being with you - you'll miss the days like this when he's grown up. Goes too quick - you're doing a grand job by the looks if it
He looks well happy, mate. Keep doing whatever you're doing. Always, and I mean ALWAYS, be there for him - if that's a phone call at midnight when he's older make sure you're there. He'll remember all you're doing for him. Just don't try to turn him against his mum, better to say nothing if you'd only say something negative.
You my friend are a very lucky man..he looks a little belter and im sure you treasure every moment. My big lads in his 30's now but I remember so many good times with him and his sister. Even though it's tough there are still many who will envy what you have. Best time of your life mate.
Sausage roll looks a beauty Keep your chin up mate looks like your doing a great job and you never know what's around the corner for you personally in life.