A vicious and unprovoked attack. Attempted murder. Thankfully the scumbag was apprehended. I know the barracks very well, it's a shame the Gurkhas on the gate didn't slot the lovely person. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...eutenant-colonel-attacker-knives-machete.html
Correct me if I am wrong ... After the Lee Rigby murder inquiry wasn't there a recommendation that service personnel should not walk alone near their bases ?
Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn't everyone be able to walk alone anywhere without let or hindrance?
IIRC *in uniform*. Walking by yourself dressed in uniform close to a military base makes you an easier target. It shouldn't be necessary, but for most of the last 60-70 years the military have been seen as targets by terrorist groups and other nutters.
As soon as I heard about this disgusting attack, it made me think of the appalling Lee Rigby incident. And as somebody said, about he or anybody else for that matter. They should be allowed to walk where they want, whether its alone or in company. And I don't think its the last time we'll see this sort of thing happen, worryingly.
Where is the same level of outrage or media attention on this atrocious attack on a serving member of our armed forces? Why are we more intent on demonising other serving personnel in the form of Police Officers. There is more sympathy with a couple of thugs from Manchester Airport. The whole thing is backwards, we are on a very slippery slope.
There's really no need for the whataboutism. Why even link these 2 unrelated issues? The scumbag was apprehended. Loads of sympathy and solidarity on social media and a fundraiser on his family's behalf. Amazing articles in the media about his service and his wife's heroics. People can be offended by a guy who stabbed a soldier AND by a guy who kicked someone lying on the floor in the head. They are not mutually exclusive. I'm sure if there had been video footage released of the incident there would have been some more extreme public reaction as seeing that level of brutality with your own eyes will provoke a more emotional reaction.. as seen with the airport incident. As an aside.. I missed this post originally and would like to add my best wishes to him in recovery and my utter disdain for the guy who did this.
Nice words. This is aimed mainly at the media, you can't say it's been a fair amount of coverage. My question is why? The government and media are pissing up the backs of serving personnel and Veterans whether that be Armed Forces or Police. But yet they still want people to sign on the dotted line.
I'm not sure there's much else to report right now. The guy has been charged with attempted murder and will be waiting a hearing. Any update on Marks condition is down to his family. The media just want clicks and sadly phone footage of a controversial incident will generate those in abundance. Not sure it's a commentary on the value of individuals in either incident. Just further evidence of the paparazzi nature of all modern media.
Agree, and I think that day the MSM paid more attention to a woman whipping a animal than a bloke being stabbed ,both wrong btw, but not comparable imo
Do guards carry live ammo now back in the Irish problem the RAF guards didn't. But there again the Irish didn't know either.
Well I don't see anyone expressing much sympathy for the bloke who got kicked in Manchester. I don't think anyone is intent on demonising police officers, just pointing out that it's wrong to boot and stamp on someone's head when they're detained on the floor.