Update tweets are within the link. People were told to stay away and lock themselves away. Another rubbish situation involving a weapon. It will heighten calls for much stronger sentences for possessing a knife.
I’ve seen the video it’s like a scene from gladiator, people running around with short swords right on the front near the little theme park in the middle of the day.
I must admit I was half expecting to see a bunch of drunken EDL idiots who’d got mixed up and got on the wrong train
Southend’s a very grim place. Had a few separate weeks down there working a couple of years back & it’s the most unsafe I’ve felt in a British town or city on an evening walking around. You can’t walk up the main strip without being approached & often they’d come in pairs.
It's ever since the whole to do about the full prisons. The news broke at the worst possible time - in the middle of summer,when most murders occur