Today I attended Tannadice for the Dundee Derby. Now I went with my mate his wife son and daughter. No big deal you might say but my friends are of Indian decent. We went for a couple of drinks in a local pub. No problems but my mate did say to me he has reservations especially what with the troubles in England. People should not have to feel like that. Thankfully the troubles have not crossed the border but unless things are not brought under total control soon I’m positive our loonatics will follow suit. Disgusting and sickening times at the moment.
I'm very much afraid Ian that England does not have a monopoly on this. It's starting to raise its head in Ireland, its roots are everywhere across Europe and beyond. It's just more sickening when it's your own that are responsible.
Regarding the article, when they say in 'an unusual move' they mention the suspect is X,Y,Z. Am I losing it because I seem to remember when the correct suspect got caught he was always described in the past ? Unless its just because I've predominantly grown up in the age of social media
Today I had a walk by a canal, took my kids to a playground, and went for a BBQ at the in-laws. No sign of any disturbance, or anything out of the ordinary. The realities of life very much vary depending on where and on how you live. You couldn’t pay me to live in a city these days.