No. I don't see the need. There's certain topics I don't enjoy. As someone in my 60s I don't particularly relish the constant threads on people passing away. Not being cold hearted but continual reminders of my own mortality aren't much of a comfort. I get that others feel the need though and I'm perfectly capable of skipping past them unopened without the need for an obituary section.
No way, much better as it is. Never been just a football forum. I'd also go so far as to say that I don't really like having a single match day thread, but people seem to have gravitated towards them - maybe I'm the one who's out of touch!
I've gone with no. Cos I really don't see the need. But it's not an issue either way it went. I'm happy to engage in any subject. Maybe it is worth a trial if the yes voters attract enough numbers. Regardless if outvoted by a large %. I'm sure we'll cope.
No, leave it as is, it's the way it's always been, can chat about anything. I'd vote for a ban on people linking to twitter though, some seem to do it every 3rd post.
Leave it as it is. @StatisTYKE 's pub analogy is perfect. Just make the titles of posts a bit clearer so those not interested don't have to waste 5 seconds of their lives finding out the discussion is about the upcoming Ecuadorian elections rather than a rumour about a new South American striker. Job done.
I think the best thing this board has done is having a single Match day thread. It was a mess when everybody used to start new threads, saying ohh penalty, ohh its a goal, ohh he's been sent off, etc. And these threads barely got any views at all, let alone any replies.
How about a compromise - when you create a thread there's a box to tick to say if it's non footy. Then there's a viewing option as to whether you want to see them separate or together. Not sure whether it's doable but that's probably the only way to please everyone. If summat like that isn't possible then it's a firm no from me.
No. We are rational beings. We may disagree with each other, but we are whole people, and are capable of having opinions about football, politics, and much, much else. Great forum. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Is there any support in the forum software for filtering posts based on tagging or prefixed subject lines, say? That way everyone could have want they want - people could specify whether a new thread is football-related or O/T and those who don't want to see the latter could then filter them out. Maybe it could even be done automatically in a separate "style". Or is it not that configurable?
I much preferred the separate threads, mainly because I didn’t have to click them if there were no replies. By hovering over them I could read the content, but I have to keep clicking back in the MDT every time there’s been a new post. Actually, I tend to just stay in it and completely miss everything else that is posted for the 90 minutes as I don’t see them.
I'm with @JamDrop - the BBS lost a part of its identity with the adoption of Match Day Threads, IMHO.
I think a politics (and world news) section would be a good idea to try. I'd like to keep the other stuff, though.
I don't think it would be a good idea. Being slightly rotund and having so many complexes. I don't think being called a "fat *******" twice on two forums would be good for my equilibrium .
We did it for brexit but that got silly to point where it was just pages and pages of brexit threads. So made a brexit section. I transferred all threads back into the bbs section once brexit had died down. I'm Sure even then we had some kind of sticky on the bbs that showed the latest post in the brexit section. as gally says I think a political section would possibly work better. I don't mind folk posting about how to fix their laptop or best place to walk their dog ahah. But not a fan of politics threads