I've got a system alert saying my McAfee is under attack and my subscription needs renewing.As far as I'm aware I've never had McAfee on my computer.How do i get rid rid of the message which I can't get of my screen.?
Have you run a genuine virus check and a malware/spyware check already? Are all your security systems up to date?
I've just ran a virus detection scan and it says no virus detected but I've still got the ad block which I can't get shut of.
New block saying someone has connected to your PC from Russia.I'm a simple soul when it comes to tech but I'm finding this a little concerning.The computers been turned off for 2 weeks and now this.
Do an offline scan with windows virus/maleware scanner, your pc will turn off and scan your drive & will boot up again.
Have you tried this @Brian Mahoneys Waist? In Chrome: Click the three dots in top right. Click Privacy and Security on left. Click Site Settings in the middle. Click Notifications. If there is anything under Allowed Notifications, block or remove it. If you’re using a different browser the steps will be slightly different but same premise.
Thanks @JamDrop . It is probably just this - get it all the time in school if kids ( mainly staff to be fair) click on something!
Thanks JamDrop.I couldn't sort it out last night but i,ve followed your directions this morning and hopefully problem solved.