Revealed by his family that he took his own life - awful. Mental health is still a massive taboo for many people especially men. As a message board admin have added the mental health thread at the top which is a way to discuss how you are feeling- please use this if you are feeling down in anyway or struggling to cope. Life can be awful and we've seen some pretty desperate things over the last few weeks but always someone you can talk to and plenty of offers of personal messages if you want. Take care!
Well said LR. Never be afraid to reach out for help and support, there are lots of groups that offer a listening ear and guidance, and like you say, people have reached out in the past on here and have been offered support.
LR - totally agree - Often people feeling down/depressed are so 'low' that they are unable to reach out for help - they may wrongly feel 'unworthy' of help. We should all look at our relatives/contacts and check that if someone seems to be struggling and we should reach out to them. It's a two way process.