How does a player when arriving at the club looking so impressive turn into such a bag o' *****? Was it Collins or is our coaching that bad?
I'm not criticising him - I actually think he's a decent CB - but why play him at LB when there are two better suited to it on the bench?
Or was it just a fluke? Odd job looked good in a couple of games, moon was ok in some. Only difference is that the 1 and a half games earl looked decent in were his first.
Gents had no pre season with us and i think Clarke doesn't trust he knows what he wants from him just yet but I'm sure it will come.I like Lofthouse and would like to see him at right wing back and he's done well when he's come on at the left but big ask to play full game on your weaker side
I'm guessing he wants experience as well as strength and height there. Gent has looked a little 'green' and maybe too lightweight thus far but looks a good prospect and perhaps this is too early for him?
He actually played alright. He's better defensively than anyone else we've played at left wing back for years. He didn't make any of the huge errors that have become common place from him since the Bolton game last season. And he pretty much prevented them building any attacks down their right. But it did we mean we had zero attacking threat from our left.
Thought we looked more solid overall defensively but definitely lacked going forward down the left side..
I think Earl is a very confident player. You don’t take players on or have an extra touch if it’s alien to you. There is a time and place for it though, as he is finding out. Hopefully he’s learning from it.
He's over-confident, in my opinion. He is not as good as he thinks he is, and this leads to his getting into trouble, through dwelling on the ball.